Clergy Information Form
Thank you for filling out this CONFIDENTIAL Clergy Information Form. Upon completion, your sheet will be sent directly to your Diocesan Transition Officer for review and ultimately shared among the members of the Transition Ministry Conference. The information provided here is for the use of Transition Officers and will not be shared with search committees. Note that it is normative to follow up with a telephone conversation to the Diocesan Transition Officer. It is the responsibility of each Transition Officer to remove names from the database once the Clergy is no longer seeking/available for a new position.
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Diocese of Canonical Residence *
Name: *
Email: *
Contact Phone: *
Type of work you are looking for: *
Minimum Pension Based Salary : *
(Cash, SECA, Utilities, and Housing Allowance)
List any languages you speak (other than English) and indicate your proficiency (fluent, proficient, high school):
Setting *
Congregation size: *
Geographical area I am willing to look within: *
Describe your three top gifts/skills you bring to ministry *
250 characters or less, please
What are your three greatest challenges? *
250 characters or less, please
In what setting(s) do you believe your gifts/skills for ministry flourish? *
250 characters or less, please
I think my search might be limited because (family, health issues, etc): *
250 characters or less, please
Submission Expiration Notice *
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