Construction & Sales Inquiry Form

Thank you for your interest in purchasing a FLOHOM! We're excited to offer our community the opportunity to be a part of the on-water lifestyle with our FLOHOM-owned houseboat network.

member of our team will contact you after you submit your inquiry.


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First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Phone Number *
Street Address *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
After reviewing the four models, please continue answering the questions below. The links will take you to the model listing pages. 
SEALUX 1-Bedroom | Priced in the low $500,000s 
SEALUX 2-Bedroom - | Priced in the mid $500,000s 
1-Bedroom - | Priced in the high $300,000s 
Suite | Priced in the high $200,000s 
What is your intended use?  *
Do you need any of the following services?  *
Do you have a city and/or marina location in mind?  *
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