Boglins Moderator Applications
This is the moderator applications for Boglins! Please fill this out to the best of your ability and seriously so we have accurate answers! Trial moderators will be decided on the 20th of May.
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Username *
Do you have discord? *
Previous Experience(please link) *
How active are you on CS? *
Tell us a little about yourself *
Greatest Strengths and Greatest Weaknesses? *
Are you able to actively monitor threads and keep a cool head? *
Scenario: "A user has become aggressive towards staff, using rude language along with uncalled for behaviour, what action do you take?" *
Scenario: "A user has been asked multiple times not to continue with what they have been asked to stop with, yet continue to do it, what do you do?" *
What is the max you can resell a boglin for? *
As a mod, you will have to approve myos/transfers. What rarity is this boglin? What are its traits? *
Captionless Image
Would this custom lined boglin require transferring before breeding? *
Captionless Image
What are the rules of tater tot batches? [do not copy+paste] *
Captionless Image
Anything else? *
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