RSVP- Farmers East Meeting 11/16
 Mālama Kaua'i is proud to present our Farmers East Meeting happening on Wednesday, November 16th, from 4:00pm-6:00pm at Anahola Marketplace. This meeting will serve as an opportunity for valued farmers, ranchers, and food producers to discuss the Kauaʻi Food Access Plan, identify high priority objectives, and levels of commitment to take action. 

All registered attendees will receive a farm to table meal! 
Deadline to register is Friday, November 11th, 2022

Mahalo nui for your interest in helping to create stronger, more sustainable, and active change to our food systems on Kaua'i! It would not be possible without the kōkua of everyone.
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First and Last Name *
Name of Your Farm or Food Producing Business *
Will you be able to attend our Farmers East Meeting on 11/16 from 4:00pm-6:00pm? *
What are you hoping to learn or gain from this community discussion around food access?
Any dietary restrictions?
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