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Partner 1 First Name *
Partner 1 Last Name *
Partner 2 First Name *
If there is no partner, put an x
Partner 2 Last Name *
If there is no partner, put an x
Period # ? *
Pick one.
Which station did you just complete? *
Pick one.
What did you learn about the content of this station? *
How can you apply the content you just learned in other areas of school or your life. *
What score do you feel you earned at this station? *
Pick one
According to the rubric, defend why you should receive this score. *
If you could make any changes to the rubric for this station, what would you change?
(This question is not required, but would be helpful)
Keeping in mind the collaboration roles even if you only worked with one partner for this assignment, on a scale of 1-4, how would you rate your group on collaboration for this station? (4 being the best collaboration possible). *
Even if you only worked with one partner, why did you choose that score for collaboration? *
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