Campus Live Surgery
A big Thank You for attending our first Live Surgery in Direct Streaming and we hope you enjoyed it as much as we enjoyed working on this project.

In order to offer you a program that is as close as possible to your expectations, we would like to know your needs, everything to enrich the relationship we have and make you want to continue to follow us with pleasure 😊.

Thank you for your interest!

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What is your opinion on  Dr. Claude Authelain live surgery? *
I didn't like it at all
I really liked it
Was the content relevant and useful for your work ? *
Not really.
What did you gain from it ?
Have you been able to ask the questions you wanted? *
If no, why?
How was your registration? *
Very difficult
Very easy
How did you know about it? *
if Other: how?
Some technical aspects: how was the image? *
Very poor
Very clear
How was the sound *
Very poor
Very clear
What would need to be improved? *
What topics would you like to see covered in future live surgeries ?
Which speakers would you like to see in upcoming live surgeries ?
Which days of the week would suit you best ? *
What hours would suit you best ? (GMT time) *
What would you suggest to improve Campus Live ?
Name *
Country *
Thank you very much for your time !
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