#AAJA21 Feedback Survey
How was your overall experience with #AAJA21? Please take a brief moment to fill out the feedback form.
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Overall Experience of #AAJA21
How would you rate your overall experience of #AAJA21?
Strongly Agree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Strongly Disagree
I enjoyed my #AAJA21 experience.
I liked the program schedule and timing.
I was able to attend all the sessions I wanted to.
I found the daily emails useful.
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Programming & Sessions
How would you rate your overall experience of #AAJA21  Programming and Sessions?
Strongly Agree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Strongly Disagree
I found the plenaries to be engaging and relevant to the current issues facing journalism and communities of color.
I found the trainings relevant and useful.
I found the breakout programming engaging and relevant
I found the program tracks useful to planning my participation.
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What were your favorite sessions and why?
Platform and Features
Help us refine future AAJA virtual experiences! Please tell us more about your experience with our platform.
Strongly Agree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Not applicable to my purpose or experience.
I found AAJA's tip sheets and trainings helpful.
I found the site easy to navigate.
The Cadence platform was easy to learn and use.
I had little to no trouble logging in to Cadence.
I liked the "My Schedule" function of Cadence.
I was able to utilize the 1:1 meeting feature.
The email notifications and reminders were helpful.
I found the Zoom integration useful.
I enjoyed the sponsor speed showcase programming.
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Networking & Recruitment
How would you rate the networking and recruitment opportunities at #AAJA21?
Did you find it easy to connect with friends & acquaintances?
Please rate your ability to connect with recruiters.
Please rate the 1:1 meeting feature.
Please rate the usefulness of the recruiter booths.
Please rate the sponsored speed sessions.
Please rate the usefulness of the "Chat" button as a way to get recruiters to message me.
Overall, how would you rate your job seeking experience?
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How could we support your recruitment opportunities post-convention?
Please rank the following reasons in order of how much they factored into your decision to attend #AAJA21 (Please choose only one reason per ranking)
N/A (This was not a reason I considered)
Trainings and programming
Coming together as a community/seeing my AAJA family
Recruitment/job seeking
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If you marked "Other" as a reason, could you please elaborate?
We'd love your feedback on how to continue the spirit of #AAJA21! Please leave us comments and suggestions. What kind of follow-up programming  and discussions would you like to see in the next few months? Into 2022? What could we have done better? How could we improve?
Feel free to leave your contact information if you would like us to reach out to you for additional feedback (optional).
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