PuRPOSE Erasmus+ project
Dates de l’événement : 10/06/2022

Adresse de l’événement : Maison de l’Europe de Paris, Centre d’Information Europe Direct
29, Avenue de Villiers, 75017 Paris

Contactez-nous au labex-entreprendre@umontpellier.fr
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How to attract master’s students to the PhD in entrepreneurship and management

PuRPOSE is an Erasmus+ project funded by the European Commission with 355316,00 EUR and signed by the University of Montpellier, University of Siegen, Shannon Technological University, and Réseau Entreprendre. The project was launched in October 2019 and will end in July 2022.

The main objectives of PuRPOSE:
- Form international teams for academic cooperation to be engaged in entrepreneurship development activities.

- Develop a pilot methodology for promoting Research Attractiveness based on a strong involvement of the private sector and a mix of digital training activities (MiniLabs).

- Disseminate the project's results and outcomes to HEIs and decision makers by delivering materials, conferences and workshops, videos, social networks, advertisements, and more (MiniLabs Guide).

The PuRPOSE team organize a dissemination event to share the results and the future of this project, by hosting a round table of academics and entrepreneurs.

This event is especially aimed at students, researchers, professors, and entrepreneurs.

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A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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