Calling - Please share why you feel God is calling you to this ministry and how the ministry fits into your ongoing journey of faith and service aspirations. Also, please include what factors have drawn you to pursue mission service. *
Your answer
Experience and Qualifications - What academic/professional training and/or qualifications/experiences do you have? *
Your answer
Preparation - How have your training, qualifications/experiences, skills, talents, etc. prepared and trained you to be a director/assistant director and a manager of a children's home in Jamaica? *
Your answer
The Nest - Do you have any knowledge of and/or experience with Robin's Nest Children's Home? If so, when have you visited (approximate dates) and what was your purpose in visiting? *
Your answer
Other Experiences - What other experiences have prepared you to serve as a director or assistant director at Robin's Nest Children's Home? *
Your answer
Are you aware these are volunteer positions and will require you to fundraise within your own networks to raise the funds to be able to support you while you are at Robin's Nest? *
Thank You for your Interest in serving at Robins Nest!