SGSCamp Video Vault Discount and Scholarship Ticket Request
Thank you for taking the time to answer these application questions. We want to make sure we are as inclusive and fair as we can be as we distribute discount and scholarship tickets. We use an honor system approach for scholarships & discounted tickets, and will only be asking demographic questions. You will not be asked to provide any financial information. We trust you and appreciate you asking for what you need to make things work on your end.

SGSCamp Video Vault's regular price is $297 for Full-Pay or 3 automatic, monthly payments of $107* each - payment plan prices are slightly higher to help cover credit card/PayPal processing fees, etc.

If spreading out your monthly payments across 5 or 9 months would allow you to pay full price, please select that option below. If you can afford to purchase the program with a discount, please select that option. You can select as many options as apply to your situation. 

Every bit we can do to help each other out helps me and you keep paying our bills!  

We will be reviewing applications on a weekly basis. If you haven't heard from us after 7 days, you are welcome to reach out to to ask for an update.

SGSCamp Video Vault is a recorded, learn-at-your-own-pace program. All recordings, handouts, and resources are available in the members' course portal which you will gain lifetime access to once your request has been processed and you register.

You will receive an email copy of your submissions after you hit submit.
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Email *
Name: *
Due to financial hardship, I am requesting (based on the honor system) - select as many as apply to your situation: *
If you'd be willing to share, how do you identify?
How do you identify? (Please note that Transwomen are women and Transmen are men. We include a Trans button because we want to monitor if we're reaching marginalized communities with our events. You may check more than one box. You do not need to answer.)
How do you identify? (We want to make sure we're reaching marginalized communities.)
Do you consider yourself disabled?
Clear selection
Is there anything about your identity you'd like to add or say more about?
Since SGSCamp Video Vault is a business program designed for sex educators, therapists, sw'ers, bloggers, influencers, and anyone who identifies as a sex-positive entrepreneur... If you want to share, what does your business and/or services look like?  
If you'd like to share, how did you hear about SGSCamp Video Vault?
Is there anything else you'd like to add?
I understand I will be notified if my request for an extended payment plan, partial or full scholarship ticket is approved based on availability. The organizers will do their best to accommodate as many people as they can. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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