Classroom Visits
Thank you for your interest in the Oswego Heritage House and Museum! We are excited about working with you to bring the history of Lake Oswego to your students. Currently, our program is best fit for 3rd and 4th graders, with an emphasis on the question: How has Lake Oswego changed over time? 

This program can be facilitated in either the museum or your classroom and includes an interactive, hands-on look at Lake Oswego's development. It is scheduled to last between 45 - 90 minutes, and we are happy to work with you to better fit the needs of your class. This year, the program is free to participate in thanks to a grant from the City of Lake Oswego. 

We are looking forward to helping answer your question and will return your email soon to complete the sign-up process. You are also welcome to reach out to or call (503) 635-6373. 
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Email *
Organizer Name *
Organizer Phone Number *
School / Group  *
Number of Students *
Number of Classroom Sections *
Grade Level *
While this program is best suited for 3rd and 4th grade students, we are happy to work with you to adjust it to better serve older or younger students. 
Would you like to visit the museum or for us to come to your classroom? *
Preferred Dates: (Please list three in order of most preferred to least.) *
Preferred Times: *
Notes or Questions
Please include information that will allow us to better serve your students, including any accommodations we can provide during the program. 
Please check if you agree to do the following:
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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