0 Never
1 Rarely
2 Sometimes
3 Frequently
Do you continually monitor your partner's time and make him/her account for every minute of the day?
Do you ever accuse your partner of having affairs or act suspicious of your partner?
Are you ever rude to your partner's friends
Do you ever discourage your partner from starting friendships with other women/men?
Are you ever critical of things such as your partner's cooking, her/his clothes, or her/his appearance?
Do you demand a strict account of how your partner spends money?
Do your moods change radically, from very calm to very angry or visa versa?
Are you disturbed by your partner working or by the thought of your partner working?
Do you become angry more easily when you drink?
Do you pressure your partner for sex much more often than they like?
Do you become angry if your partner doesn't go along with your request for sex?
Do you and your partner quarrel much over financial matters?
Do you quarrel much about having children or raising them?
Do you ever strike your partner with your hands or feet (slap, punch, kick, etc.)?
Do you ever strike your partner with an object?
Do you ever threaten your partner with an object or weapon?
Have you ever threatened to kill yourself or your partner?
Do you ever give your partner visible injuries (such as welts, cuts, bruises, etc.)?
Has your partner ever had to treat any injuries from your violence with first aid?
Has your partner had to seek medical attention for an injury, as a result of your violence?
Do you ever hurt your partner sexually or make them have intercourse against their will?
Are you ever violent toward children?
Are you ever violent toward other people outside your home and family?
Do you ever throw objects or break things when you are angry?
Have you ever been in trouble with the police?
Has your partner ever called the police or tried to call them because she/he felt they or members of your family were in danger?