Spelling Test 1 ( Class 4 )
This quiz is for Class 4 English prepared by Tarun Kumar Dash, K V Koraput, Odisha.
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I. Form meaningful words from the jumbled words
There are four questions carrying 01 mark each. Each question has four options but only one option is correct.
1 point
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1 point
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1 point
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1 point
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II. Fill in the blanks to form correct words.
There are four questions carrying 01 mark each. Each question has four options but only one option is correct.
1. S _ N_ AY
1 point
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2. IM _ G _ NE
1 point
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3. _ VERY _ NE
1 point
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4. L _ VEL _
1 point
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III. Fill in the blanks with the correct spelled word.
There are four questions carrying 01 mark each. Each question has four options but only one option is correct.
1. Some people like _______ curry.
1 point
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2. Rahul opened the ___
1 point
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3. Doctor has advised me to sleep without __.
1 point
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4. We should ____ early in the morning.
1 point
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IV. Choose the correct spelled one word answer.
There are four questions carrying 01 mark each. Each question has four options but only one option is correct.
1. To alert people
1 point
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2. To get free from a task
1 point
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3. Very small
1 point
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4. A low humming sound
1 point
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V. Which among the following is not a meaningful word formed from the given word.
There are four questions carrying 01 mark each. Each question has four options but only one option is correct.
1. Snuggle
1 point
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2. Narrator
1 point
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3. Someone
1 point
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4. Blanket
1 point
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Make sure you have answered all the questions correctly before submit. You can attend the quiz multiple times. Try to score 20.
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