Saturday Family Event 

New this year, we are offering an event for families who tag along for the weekend and want something to do while people golf or bike ride. The event will be under the tent at the Avila Beach Golf Resort lawn, and next to beach and water access. Cal Poly students, who are child development majors and work at the Cal Poly Preschool Lab (i.e., these college students know what they are doing!), will be on hand to help watch kids and be ready with lawn games for all ages to enjoy. Lunch of turkey sandwiches, fruit, potato salad and cookies will be provided. Please join us for fun in the sun (and shade). Students will stay through the Saturday mixer, that’s 3-5pm, so parents can enjoy the mixer event as well.

Questions, please email Jennifer Mott ( Please RSVP so we know numbers and ages for the food and activity planning. 

NOTE: this is NOT a drop off event. Parents are expected to stay on the Avila Beach Golf Resort property and be available for emergencies. 

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List any dietary restrictions of anyone in your group. 
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