DPC Vacation Bible School Volunteer Sign Up   June 24-28, 5:30-8:30p
Thank you for volunteering to help with Vacation Bible School!
We are happy to have you! Whether you can help for a little bit or a lot, we value you!

Our VBS works on a ROTATION SCHEDULE. This means that all the children gather from 5:30 to about 6:15p for dinner and the daily opening session. After that, each group moves from one area to the next (craft, Bible story, rec, etc). 

Area Leaders stay in their rooms and the groups come to them. If you are an Area Leader, you then lead each group in the daily lesson for your area. Each rotation is about 20-25 minutes. 

Group Leaders stay with their class and help them throughout the evening. Youth Assistants (just completed 6th grade and older) can be Group Leaders. 

Non-Area Leaders are very important, but you won't be in charge of a lesson or a group. Some of these opportunities can be done at times other than VBS or for just a portion of each night.

VBS is open to children aged 4 to 5th grade (just completed)
Please indicate your interest and availability below.

See Sarah Metzger (pametzger@columbus.rr.com) or Nancy Pratt (nancytwinkletoes@yahoo.com) with any questions.
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Volunteer Name
Volunteer cell number & email address
Please select as many leader areas as you have interest, we'll use responses to place leaders in just ONE area. As an Area Leader you will have about 20-25 minutes with each group of kids. Ideally, we would love if you could lead your area all 5 nights, BUT we'll be able to use any time you have available. Indicate availability in question below.
Please list any times or dates that you are NOT available
(For example: I will need to leave at 6:30 on Thursday, or I cannot be there Friday.)
Group Leaders sit with their group at dinner, the opening session, and the closing session. They escort the group to each area and provide assistance when needed. While Group Leaders do not need to prepare lessons/activities, you will need to monitor your group and help when needed.
Youth Assistants (just completed 6th grade and up)
can be Group Leaders.
You may select more than one age group that you would like to lead, but you will only be assigned ONE group.
Please list any times or dates that you are NOT available
(For example: I will need to leave at 6:30 on Thursday, or I cannot be there Friday.)
Please select as many areas as you have interest. Most of these opportunities need more than 1 volunteer and you may be able to help multiple times.
Please list any times or dates that you are NOT available
(For example: I am available for General Assistance all week, but only want to help 3 nights. Let me know which nights you need.)
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