Questions about therapy.
In the next couple of months, I'll be introducing you to a therapist friend of mine! In addition to getting some ideas on how my listeners engage with therapy,  I wanted to put together a list of questions/topics you with you could ask a therapist (or you own therapist!) and use those as a way to frame our conversation.

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Are you currently in therapy?
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If you answered "no" to the answer above, which of the following is true for you?
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Have you ever had a bad experience with a therapist that was hard to navigate (ie. didn't feel a connection with that therapist, or they weren't meeting your needs/goals)?
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Does your therapist (or has a therapist in the past) tend to give their opinions about the things you talk about in therapy?
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What's been the best thing about your therapy experience?
What's been the hardest thing about your experience(s) with therapy?
What question(s) do you wish you could ask your therapist but probably never will? [We will be sharing these & discussing on air!]
Do you want to be notified when this episode drops?
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If you answered YES to the last question, what's your email?
Would you be interested in being on Warmly to share about your experience with therapy, or some other mental health related topic/story/experience?
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If you answered YES or I'LL THINK ABOUT IT to the last question, what's your email?
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