Participation Contact Form
If you are interested in participating in one of our studies, fill out this form to be contacted as soon as you and your child are eligible for a study.
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Your name *
Phone number *
Email address
City of residence
Child's name
Child's sex
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Child's date of birth *
Child fluent in: *
What percentage of all words heard in her/his life were in English?
What percentage of all words heard in her/his life were in French?
What percentage of all words heard in her/his life were in another language? Please specify this language.
Does your child attend daycare?

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If your child does attend daycare, what language (s) does she/he hear there?
Preferred way to be contacted
Preferred time to be contacted
Language to be contacted in
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Two other labs at Concordia University also study children’s development and may have upcoming studies in your child’s age range. Would you also like to have these labs contact you about potential studies?   
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How did your hear about our lab?
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Questions or comments
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