I-Corps Immersive Short Course (Sept 11/13/18)
One-week introduction to the Lean LaunchPad startup method and the Business Model Canvas. Requirements: 1) a team of 2-4 people, 2) attendance of all team members in all class sessions (Sept 11/13/18 @ 6-10pm), 3) 20-30 hours of work outside of class
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Company Name *
If you don't have a name yet, use a descriptive title
How far along is the company? *
Check all that apply
What does your product or service do? *
50 word max
What problem are you trying to solve? *
50 word max
Why are you interested in this course? *
Team member #1 *
First and last name
Email address *
University *
Affiliation *
Team member #2 *
First and last name
Email address *
University *
Affiliation *
Team member #3
First and last name
Email address
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Other team members - name and email
Is there anything else you would like us to consider in your application?
How did you learn about this course? *
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