Happy Homebirth Podcast Interview Application
Thank you so much for your interest in being a guest on the Happy Homebirth podcast!  Please fill out the below information for consideration to share your story.  Due to high demand, I will not be able to interview everyone who applies.  If your story is chosen, I will contact you and let you know as the recording date approaches.

Other important information:  Interviews will last 45 minutes.  Please have headphones available and a generally quiet space! <3
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Email *
Full Name(s)
Phone Number (in case I need to get in touch with you quickly!) *
Please describe yourself *
Please give a brief description of your story below, and note any important topics/events that may apply (big baby, breech baby, dystocia, long labor, etc...)
What was the biggest takeaway from your birthing experiences/experience?
Is there a specific topic/message that you wish to explain to the listeners?
If you had to come up with a title for your story/episode, what would it be?
Would you be willing to share photos at the time of your interview to be used for Instagram/facebook promotion? *
If you are a midwife/care provider/specialist, what topic do you hope to discuss?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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