Our London Family Act Survey-Office of MPP Kristyn Wong-Tam 
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Have you experiences Islamophobia while living in Toronto?
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How many times have you experienced Islamophobia
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If you have experienced Islamophobic hate, did you report it to the police or other autohorities?
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Where have you experienced/witnessed Islamophobic hate?
Do you feel safe reporting Islamophobic hate crimes to the Toronto Police or other Authorities?
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Do you think the government is doing enough to combat Islamophobia?
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Do you want the government to do more to end Islamophobia?
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Do you support passing the Our London Family Act into law?
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What actions do you want the government or other authorities to take to fight Islamophobia?
Do you want any changes made to the Our London Family Act?
Is there something else you want to share that you have not yet been able to mention?
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