Registration for Equality Virginia's TIES 2020
Welcome to the registration page for the 7th annual Transgender Information and Empowerment Summit (TIES), which will be an all-digital event! Whether this is your first time or seventh time, we can't wait to see you at this reimagined TIES happening October 14-17.

Please create a different submission for each individual you register. If you have questions, please contact the Equality Virginia office at or 804-643-4816.  

La página de registro en español para la séptima Conferencia Anual de Información y Empoderamiento Transgénero (TIES por sus siglas en inglés)/Spanish registration page for TIES:

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Attendee First Name: *
Please provide the first name we should use for you, regardless of your legal name.
Attendee Last Name: *
Please provide the last name we should use for you, regardless of your legal name.
Attendee Email Address: *
Attendee Pronouns:
Street Address: *
City: *
Zip Code *
What brings you to TIES? *
Please choose all that apply.
Do you identify as a person of color?
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Please list any accessibility needs you would like us to be aware of:
Please make any requests for accommodations by end of day on October 7, 2020.
Language Interpretation: *
Do you have access to an internet connection that can handle video-conferencing? *
What *weekday* times do you prefer for workshops and resources? *
Please select all that apply.
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