2021 OpenJS LiFT Scholarship Application
The OpenJS Foundation is committed to bringing more talent into the open source JavaScript community, which involves reaching people who have traditionally been underrepresented in open source. Increasing access to the OpenJS and Linux Foundation Training (LiFT) Node.js training and certification can help expand diversity in technology and create a clear pathway to the most in-demand and lucrative jobs in the IT industry.

The OpenJS Foundation Cross Project Council (CPC), the technical governing body for OpenJS, is offering scholarships to provide opportunities for Node.js skills development to deserving individuals who would otherwise be unable to afford training courses or certification exams.

Global applicants' must demonstrate a passion for Node.js technologies, have intermediate Node.js skills, and a proven interest in becoming an open source professional.
The OpenJS CPC Scholarships will cover the expenses for one Node.js eLearning class and one Node.js certification exam offered by the OpenJS and The Linux Foundation at no cost.

The OpenJS Foundation is offering scholarships for the following:

Node.js Champion: We invite people who want to take initiative in creating opportunities for themselves or others, and how this Node.js skills development scholarship can bring more good to their communities or organization.

Applications must be submitted by 11:59pm US Pacific on October 15, 2021.

The OpenJS Foundation privacy policy can be found at https://privacy-policy.openjsf.org.

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Email: *
Name, first and last *
Date of birth (must be 18 or over): *
Address *
Country of Residence *
Are you a student? *
If yes, where do you attend school and what is your status? (year, field of study)
How will training or certification help you increase your participation in the open source community or help encourage more people to participate in Node.js and open source software (limit 1000 characters)? *
Tell us how you're using open source software to make a difference, and how this training or certification scholarship could help you expand that work (limit 1000 characters). *
Tell us how you are currently using JavaScript technologies, and how further training or certification in Node.js development from The Linux Foundation would benefit you (limit 1000 characters). *
These scholarships are intended to support individuals who do not have other avenues to fund the course/certification (for example from their employer) and cannot afford it on their own. Please confirm by selecting the checkbox: *
If selected as a scholarship recipient, will you be willing to be interviewed about your experience for an article on the OpenJS Foundation blog? *
Do you opt in to receive marketing communications from the OpenJS Foundation, including announcements of new courses and certifications, as well as special offers? *
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