FESTA ITALIANA 2025 - Volunteer Interest Form
Thank you for showing interest in being a Volunteer for FESTA ITALIANA 2025! 

Please complete the required fields below to ensure you do not miss any important information. 

If you have any questions, please reach out to either:
Tina (Verciglio) Savas | 205-936-5778 | tvsavas@gmail.com
Marena Molay Messina | 205-908-7075 | marena.messina@gmail.com
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(include maiden name if applicable)
Email Address *
Cell Phone Number *
Please choose the Festa area in which you interested in volunteering.
You may select more than one. 
Do you have any connections or contacts which would add value to Festa Italiana? (e.g., Sponsors, Vendors, etc.).
Grazie Mille! 

Thank you so much for signing up as a volunteer!

Join the Italian America Heritage Society of Birmingham (IAHS) to stay informed: https://www.iahsbham.com/membership/

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