Art Peace Ukraine: Fundraiser in LA
Art Peace Ukraine is organizing an art fundraiser in LA in May with the possibility of doing multiple events through the summer. LA-based artists will be featured at local galleries with all art seles proceeds being donated to Nova Ukraine:

Please fill in the form below if you are an artist who would like to have your work exhibited for a good cause. We will be reaching out to further organize artists and dates.

Thank you!!

Jennifer Freiling

IG: @artpeaceukraine

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First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Are you a Ukrainian Artist?
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Link to Art Portfolio or Website *
Instagram or Primary Social Media Handle *
Are you willing to sell your artwork with proceeds (balance after expenses are deducted from sales) being donated to Nova Ukraine? *
Please provide your biography or a statement about your art (links to your bio are fine too) that can be used in proposals to art galleries and event promotions.   *
Availablity to Show Your Work *
We are trying to organize the first on Saturday May 21st, 2022. Please specify over May and June if there are any dates you CANNOT accomidate or any preferences.
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