NCPTA 2022-2023 Committee Interest Form
Complete this interest form indicating which committee you have interests, talents, or skills in serving. Term: July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023. Committees meet virtually a minimum of once each month via Zoom Meeting and occasionally in-person. Committee members will be appointed during the NCPTA Board of Directors Meeting on April 23rd.  Deadline to submit your interest form: April 19th.  

Here are the commitee descriptions, roles, and responsiblities.

Onboarding & Orientation:
Committee Chairs & Members, will be invited to attend the NCPTA Governance Day on Thursday, May 19, 2022 to engage in committee orientation, development of the 2022-2023 committee plan of work, networking, and much more. There is a cost of $20 per person to attend. This will include lunch. governance materials, and a swag bag.

Note: Must be a PTA Member.
Committees are subject to change.
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What County do you live in? *
Are you interested in serving on a 2022-2023 NCPTA Committee? *
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