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6th Grade Technology Background Survey
Produced by:
Rachel Long
Lauren DeLaune
Kelly Hudson
Lindsey Jones
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What is your name?
Your answer
How old are you?
Your answer
Do you have access to an internet connection at home?
Yes, but it is unreliable
No, but I have access to a location with internet.
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Do you have Ofice 365 programs (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.) on your home computer?
Clear selection
Check any of the following devices that you use at least once a week:
Mobile Phone, with internet
Mobile Phone, without internet
Laptop Computer
Desktop Computer
Gaming Devices
Check any of the following software that you use at least once a week:
Word processors (example: Microsoft Word)
Spreadsheet software (example: Excel)
Presentation software (example: PowerPoint)
Use the following options to describe how confident you are managing computer files.
Not Confident--I cannot use a computer file.
Somewhat confident--I can create a computer file.
Confident--I can create and rename files.
Very Confident--I can create, rename, and delete files.
Completely Confident--I can create, rename, organize, delete, and manage files.
Clear selection
Describe your computer skills (check all that you agree with).
I can log on and off of a computer.
I can select, open, and save documents on different drives.
I can open programs from icons and the Start bar and use more than one program at the same time.
I can learn new programs and discover additional program features on my own.
None of the above.
How much time do you spend on your computer daily outside of school?
30 minutes
1 hour
2 - 3 hours
4 -5 hours
6+ hours
Use the following options to describe your confidence in using email.
I do not use email.
I compose and send appropriate e-mail messages to friends, family, or teachers.
I organize my mail folders to save messages and delete those I no longer need.
I use e-mail to request or send information for research or school projects.
Use the following options to describe how confident you are using the library's databases.
I do not use Library Catalog database.
I search for books and videotapes in the library using Title, Author, Subject and Keyword fields.
I use the information in the library database to locate and select books for research or reading.
I use hyperlinks in the library database to find related topics or titles in the library.
Use the following options to describe your use of e-books.
I do not use e-books.
I have never used an e-book, but I am interested in them.
I have used e-books for school.
I have used e-books to read for pleasure.
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