MCC Cub Scout Pack 981 - Interest Form
2024-2025 School Year

Interested in joining and learning more about MCC Muslim Cub Scouts Pack 981? Please leave your information and we will get in touch with you. MCC Cub Scout Pack 981 programs are for boys KG-5th grade.

Enrollment opens in the summer for the upcoming academic year. You will be contacted through email to attend an enrollment session to learn about scouting and register

If you are interested in Boy Scouts (6th to 12th grade),  please fill out this form
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Parent Name *
Parent Email *
Parent Phone Number *
Parent's Prior experience with Cubscouts? If Yes, in what role? *
Son(s) Full Name(s) and Grade (s) in School *
Child's Prior experience with Cubscouts? *
Volunteers play a much needed role in helping to shape and deliver Scouting programs that build character, leadership and integrity in our youth. Volunteers are teachers and mentors who provide their time in building the youth into the future leaders of tomorrow. We truly need all parents to volunteer your efforts in supporting Pack 981. Please let know how you can support our Pack. *
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