Remembering Our Faithful Departed This November
My dear parishioners,

November is the month of prayer for our departed brothers and sisters. We commit them to our Heavenly Father that they may live with Him in His eternal home forever.

As we are all united to our God who is the Lord of all the living and the dead, we are called to pray for our beloved departed relatives and friends, just as they pray for us. The holy sacrifice of the Mass is the highest form of prayer and the best way to offer and show our love for our faithful departed.

On the spaces provided below, please write the names of your departed loved ones and submit this form on or before October 31, 2020. Rest assured that these names will be included in our offering in all our masses and special prayers for the entire month of November.

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Name/s of Faithful Departed
Name of Offeror
Contact Number/s.
Donation (in pesos)
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