Network Leaders Forum 2017: Resource Needs
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What resources (books, online courses, or other materials) by Tim Keller have you read or utilized in the last year? *
What resources (books, online courses, or other materials) by City to City have you read or utilized in the last year? *
What other key resources is your church or network currently using to equip church planters? *
Give specific examples, including the purpose and the product you are using. (i.e. Church Planter Training: Porterbrook curricula; Evangelism: Alpha course).
Which of the following are the church planters in your network most likely to use? *
What topics or issues are most pressing for the church planters in your network? *
Where in your church (i.e. preaching, classes, community groups, etc) would you like to address these topics?
Are you or your network creating resources?
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If yes, please list examples below, including both the title and purpose.
Could be publications, translations, curricula, seminars, etc.
If there was a book table at NLF with helpful resources from CTC & the network, would you purchase any?
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Would you be interested in joining a subcommittee of NLF that CTC can consult or pilot test content with?
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Do you have any specific questions for CTC about content that you would like answered?
Also thoughts and suggestions. Please submit them below.
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