Dear student,
Please take some minutes to fill in this form about cyberbullying. As teachers and students developing a sense of digital citizenship we have a concern for this problem which affects many children and teens. Your survey responses will be only used for research within this Erasmus+ project and the results will serve as self-reflection and discussion to better improve our sense of digital citizenship.
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Partner country *
Cyberbullying is ....... (select all that apply) *
Have you ever been cyberbullied? *
If yes, please describe what happened.
 Please select all of the answers that apply to you. *
If you were cyberbullied, which of the following ways would you rather report it? You may choose more than one.
How often do you think cyberbullying happens? *
What do you think the best way to stop cyberbullying is? (Select all that apply) *
What else do you think might help?
If you could write a law about cyberbullying, what would it provide? (Select all that apply.) *
Based on your own observations and experience, in what forum does cyberbullying most often occur? *
What would you do if you noticed someone being bullied on social media, e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Messenger? More than one reponse can be selected. *
Imagine you are a victim of cyberbullying and it has been going on for some time now, your close friends and family are beginning to get suspicious about why you're always so reserved and secretive now and then. Your parents sit you down and question you about what's going on, what do you do/say? *
Final question. Do you think that bullies are right to do what they do? Do you think there may be a valid reason for people to bully others? *
Thank you for your cooperation!
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