Strong Women - Strange Worlds "First Friday - Third Thursday" Group Author Virtual Readings Participant Interest Form
This form is for indicating interest in participating in our virtual Group Author Readings.

To participate an author must:
1. Identify as a woman or non-binary and must have at least one published work of science fiction, fantasy, and/or horror (with spec fic elements),
2. Have access to a working web-camera (so everyone can see you), microphone (so everyone can hear you), and speakers (so you can hear everyone else) that connect to your computer,
3. Be able to access Zoom.
4. Have NOT used AI to produce any part of their work (neither text nor cover art)

NOTE: After we receive your information, it may be a while before you hear from our scheduler with a specific date.

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Email *
What Is Your First Name? *
What Is Your Last Name? *
Are You Known By Another Name (Pen Name/Real Name)? *
Geographically, Where Are You? *
It's helpful for us to know what time zone you are in; if you're comfortable giving a more specific (state/province/country), then feel free to fill in the "other" box with details.
Author Website URL (if you have an author website) *
How Did You Hear About the Strong Women  - Strange Worlds "First Friday - Third Thursday Quick Read" Series? *
From whom and where (email, FB post, etc.) did you hear about the series?
What Length Fiction Do You Write? *
What Genre(s) Do You Write? *
Do You Have Published Works? *
For What Audience Do You Write? *
How Many of Your Fans/Supporters Do You Think Would Attend a Virtual Reading That You Participate In? *
(don't worry - this question is just for research purposes and will not determine eligibility to participate!)
Would You Be Interested in Joining the Virtual Readings Committee? *
The committee running these events is looking for a few more members to assist with organizing and running events. We could use your help! The time commitment is just a couple of hours per month and it's a fun way to network with other authors!
In General, Which of the Following Date/Time Combinations Work For You?
On Which Dates Can You Participate in a Virtual Reading?
Friday, May 2, 2025 @ 12.00 - 1.00 pm EDT
Thursday, May 15, 2025 @ 7.00 - 8.00 pm EDT
Friday, June 6, 2025 @ 12.00 - 1.00 pm EDT
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