Volunteer application form
Our mission is to empower the minds of future storytellers to find their voice and spark change through the art of storytelling . Join us our journey of giving voice to the voiceless.
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Name *
First and last name
Email *
Phone number *
Which position(s) are you interested in? *

Why are you interested in volunteering with Fruits of Ali? (Max 200 words)
What skills or experiences do you bring that would contribute to your selected role? (Max 200 words)
Tell us about a time when you provided mentorship or coaching to someone. What was the outcome? (Max 200 words, applicable for Story Coach role)
Tell us about a time when you demonstrated initiative and adaptability in a fast-paced environment. (Max 200 words, applicable for Intern role)
Share Your Story: Please share a brief personal story that has had a significant impact on your life. (Max 200 words)
Favorite Story/Quote/Movie: What is your favorite story, quote, or movie? Why does it resonate with you? (Max 100 words)
Availability: Days of the week available: *
Availability: Hours per week available to volunteer
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