Kindred Learning Adventures Interest Form
Please complete this survey before attending an info session so that we may learn more about your family!
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Parent's First Name *
Parent's Last Name *
Phone Number
Are you a member of HSLDA? *
What are the ages and number of GIRL learners in your family?
Infant(s) - Under 2
Toddler(s) - Ages 2-3
Pre-K and Kindergarten
First and Second Grade
Third and Fourth Grade
Fifth and Beyond
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What are the ages and number of BOY learners in your family?
Infant(s) - Under 2
Toddler(s) - Ages 2-3
Pre-K and Kindergarten
First and Second Grade
Third and Fourth Grade
Fifth and Beyond
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Where do you live? *
How did you find out about Kindred Learning Adventures?
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If you selected referral or friends/family, please share who referred you?
What level of involvement do you hope to have in our homeschool community? (check all that apply) *
How do you hope to build homeschooling community? *
Family-style Learning Adventures
Field Trips
Parent-led Learning Cooperative (teaching core subjects)
Unstructured time (playground and library meet-ups)
We hope to join in with...
We are... *
To better serve our community, tell us what type of content you hope to see with Kindred Learning Adventures *
How long has your family been homeschooling? *
Our adventures are held once a week, which day of the week are you and your learners best able to attend?
Are you interested in an administrative or leadership role with KLA such as organizing and leading learning adventures? *
What is your budget per learner, per month? *
Do you have any questions or comments you would like to share with us? *
For security purposes, it is important for us to orient with families before they attend our learning adventures and field trips. 

We ask potential members to attend one virtual info-session to verify themselves before joining our homeschool community. 

Attending our virtual info-session also helps us to better understand and convey the KLA vibe and our unwavering cultural consciousness for our homeschooling community. 

When are you best available attend a virtual info-session?
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