NIRSA Nominations & Appointments Committee Interest Form
DEADLINE: February 10, 2022

The NIRSA Nominations and Appointments Committee is a standing committee of the Association, comprised of two members of the Board of Directors, (one serving as Chair), two voting members from each region, the NIRSA Student Leader, and a Past President Representative.

The current Regional Representatives on the NIRSA Member Network recruits members to serve on this committee and a process independent of other NIRSA Committee appointments.

The role of the Committee is to conduct the recruitment and evaluation of Board candidates for the purpose of presenting a slate of qualified candidates to the NIRSA Board and then to NIRSA Members for election.  Certify the slate of candidates for the Member Network as recommended by Regional Nominations & Appointment Committees.  Support the Board of Directors in the appointments of members to the NIRSA Assembly.  If necessary, the committee may also be asked to assist with appointments to other committees, work teams, and volunteer groups in NIRSA.

Looking for members who have the following skills and experience:
* Are current NIRSA professional members who have been a member of NIRSA for at least 5 years, 4 of those as a professional member.
* Have a broad personal network within the Region and Association wide, with the aptitude to make personal contacts for recruiting and vetting in all NIRSA leadership positions, including President-elect for the Board of Directors.
* Demonstrated involvement in NIRSA, such as 2 NIRSA committees within the last 4 years, and a broad involvement on many NIRSA committees over your years as a Member.                        
* Have been engaged in NIRSA business (e.g.: attended the Annual Meeting of the Members, MN Regional Connections, etc.)                                      
* Have experience reviewing applications and being a part of the hiring process.  

If you have any questions or concerns with completing this form, please reach out to Sarah Leskovec, NIRSA Member Relations Manager, email: or phone: 541-766-8211.

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Tell us about yourself
Name *
Email: *
Gender Identity: *if completed this information will be added to your profile in the NIRSA database and help us look at diversity within our committees.
Ethnicity (select all that apply): *if completed this information will be added to your profile in the NIRSA database and help us look at diversity within our committees.
Please select your NIRSA region *
Institution *
Please list what NIRSA events you've attended in the past three years. *
Please list your NIRSA volunteer involvement within the past 4 years. *
List any prior experience or related skills that would be beneficial to serving on the NIRSA N&A Committee. *
Why is serving on the NIRSA N&A Nominations Committee important to you? *
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