NFL Pick 'Em (Week 10)
Welcome to The Sportsletter's weekly NFL Pick 'Em contest! We'll host the competition among Sportsletter subscribers throughout the 2024 NFL season (Weeks 1-18) with bragging rights and prizes on the line. (Pick 'Em submission form takes approximately 60 seconds to complete)

Winners & Prizes
Each week's individual top scorer will get some free gear from The Sportsletter Store and bragging rights in The Sportsletter. The top-5 players from each week will be mentioned in The Sportsletter each Tuesday and entered into the "Playoffs" at the end of the year for a chance to be the overall winner (Cash Prize!).

Competition Details
The Sportsletter's NFL Pick 'Em Contest is a free-to-play, no purchase necessary competition. All weekly submissions must be made by kickoff of the first Sunday game (Thursday Night Football games not included). All participants must be subscribed to The Sportsletter to be eligible for rewards. One entry valid per subscriber. The Sportsletter reserves the right to disqualify any individual for unfair play or remove any participant for the integrity of the contest. 

Good luck!
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