Holding Breath (October 22–23, 2020)
In a moment when there is so much to care about and so much care needed, where can we gather for care? Holding Breath is a facilitated online experience where care can be shared, collected, and held with others. Enter an online room, locate your breath in relation to others, find a collective rhythm, express a response, and gather your breath yet again. Curiosity and a generous spirit are all that’s needed.

Holding Breath will unfold over a 24-hour period starting at 7 a.m. on Thursday, October 22, where participants will choose a 15-minute oasis of time and join us for a collective acknowledgement of our very human desire to care for ourselves and each other.

All members of the NYU community are invited.

Once registered, visit https://bit.ly/31u3q4J for info to join.

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Holding Breath will take place every half hour for 15 minutes. Please select a time for your experience of Holding Breath. Each experience will be for 15 minutes. Details about how to join will be sent closer to the date. All times are listed in Eastern Standard Time (US). You can also choose to skip this question and just show up in the space and await the next opportunity for Holding Breath.
This event takes place over Zoom. Please let us know if you have any accessibility needs (closed captioning, etc.)
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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