ACTV's VERY serious Internship Application!

ACTV is a new online comedy network and we are currently looking for interns to work with and play with to expand ACTV!

What Is ACTV?
The network is primarily a source of entertainment; a conscious COMEDY channel run by Access Consciousness LLC.

Please Note:

- This is an UNPAID internship to start.
- We cannot guarantee all who apply for this internship will be selected.
- By submitting your application, you give ACTV the right to review the information you submit and to email you a response if you are selected to be an intern.
- If you are selected you or ACTV can opt out of the internship at anytime.

Please note (again): This is an UNPAID internship to start. The target of this online comedy network is not revenue, but to have a place for wonderful comedy to exist and to enrich people's lives. Possible paid positions may or many not open in 6-8 months.


If you have questions about ACTV, internships, this form, or video submissions, please email us at

Data Protection Policies:
Access Consciousness TV (ACTV) is a project of Access Consciousness LLC. Our Data Protection policies, declaration, terms and conditions can be found here:
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Do you understand that this is an unpaid internship?
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