Hydrogen Fluoride (HF)
Course Objectives

1.  Prevention Emphasis
2.  Communicate importance of immediate and correct emergency response to HF compound exposure
3.  Identify opportunities for injury prevention
4.  Review correct response measures
5.  Emphasize importance of effective communication with all parties throughout emergency response process
6.  Report and follow-up

In order to successfully complete this quiz, participants MUST answer ALL questions correctly. After submitting your answers you will be given the option to 'View your Score'. Please select this option and ensure that you have received a score of 100%. If you are unsuccessful in your first attempt, please re-complete the quiz. The quiz can be taken as many times as needed until completed successfully.

If you have any questions or trouble with the material please contact us via phone (905-525-9140 x 24352) or email (eohss@mcmaster.ca).
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1. Which of the following must I do before working with hydrogen fluoride?
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2. True or False:  An individual exposed to hydrogen fluoride must seek medical attention immediately.
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3. True or False:  A hydrogen fluoride Emergency Response kit is used to clean up a hydrogen fluoride spill.
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4.  True or False:  Upon first contact, burns may not be immediately visible, painful and usually itch.
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5. Who must I call for help in an emergency?
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6. Who must report all incidents/accidents to?
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7. The first aid supplies do not include:
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8. True and False:  After an exposure to hydrogen fluoride it is acceptable to seek medical attention at a walk-in clinic.
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