Richmond Jewish Foundation Donor Advised Fund (DAF) Application
Thank you for considering a DAF at Richmond Jewish Foundation. The questions below will help us create a fund unique for your needs.

The minimum amount required to establish a DAF is $5,000.

DAFs must maintain a $1,000 minimum maintenance balance.

There is a one-time $100 set-up fee.

The fund will be charged an annual fee of 1% of the fund’s balance with a minimum annual fee of $250.
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Email *
A. Fund Advisor Information
Name the Fund
(Typically donors choose their first and last names or last names only or use their last name and the word Family - ex. Stein Family DAF)
Fund Advisor Name *
Who will sign the document?  Please use full names of any donors.
Zip Code
Home Phone
Cell Phone
Email Address *
B. Recognition and Publicity
May we list the fund name in our marketing materials? (No amounts will be listed.)  
(Typically we list donor names in the annual report)
When sending grants to organizations, you may use:
C. Fund Succession
You can elect to have the balance of your fund transferred to the RJF Genesis Fund, an endowment fund of your choice or have your child(ren) or others continue your donor advised fund at a certain date or after your lifetime.
1. ___ % Fund assets to be transferred to an Endowment Fund with RJF
(0% if you choose successor advisors)
What is the name of the endowment fund you would like to transfer the assets to?
This can be a new endowment fund created by you or an existing endowed fund or the RJF Genesis Fund.
2. ____% I/we appoint the following successor advisors:
(i.e. If you want to leave the balance of the fund to one person type 100. If you want to split between two people type 50, and so on.
Fund succession choices *
Successor Advisor #1's Name
Successor #1's Address
Sucessor #1's City
Successor #1's State
Successor #1's Zip Code
Successor #1's Home Phone
Successor #1's Cell Phone
Successor #1's Email Address
Successor Advisor #2's Name
Successor #2's Address
Sucessor #2's City
Successor #2's State
Successor #2's Zip Code
Successor #2's Home Phone
Successor #2's Cell Phone
Successor #2's Email Address
D. Interested Parties
You may authorize your assistant, accountant, tax advisor, or other person to obtain information about the fund. Please select which privileges you would like to extend.
Please choose all that may apply
Authorized Assistant's Name
Zip Code
Home Phone
Cell Phone
Email Address
E. Investments
Please recommend how you would like the fund to be invested. If you do not specify the investment pool, the fund shall be allocated to the Long Term endowment fund.   You may recommend a change to the fund investments at any time. *
F. Initial Contribution
1. How would you like to donate to start your fund? *
2. Approximately how much are you donating to your fund?
Do you have any questions or concerns you would like for us to address prior to creating your fund?
Thank you for submitting your DAF application. Richmond Jewish Foundation will be in touch with you soon to answer any questions and to finalize your fund agreement. In the meantime, please feel free to call (804) 545-8656 if you have any questions.
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