Fillmore Central Marathon Kids Registration
Thank you for your interest in Marathon Kids! We are so glad your child is joining us to become more active, gain confidence, and set healthy goals!

Our first practice will take place on Wednesday, February 5th, at the Downtown Gym (1120 F Street)For the remainder of the season, practices will be held on early out Wednesdays at the Fillmore County Extension Office on the following dates:

  • March 5th
  • April 2nd
  • May 7th

Practice time will be 2:30–3:30 PM. Participants will meet at the office and run in the greenspace behind it. Please make arrangements to pick up your child promptly at 3:30 PM.

Registrant Information:
  • Only one person per registration.
  • This program is for Kindergarten - 6th grade students at Fillmore Central Public Schools.
The weather will start changing as our season progresses; please dress accordingly. Please bring a water bottle and a healthy snack (if desired) to practice. Make sure you are ready to be active at 2:30 PM!

Contact Mariah Newmyer, a Food, Nutrition, and Health Educator for Nebraska Extension, at (402-694-6174) or Alexis Schmidt, 4-H Extension Assistant, at (402-759-3712). 
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Parent/Guardian Name(s) *
Parent/Guardian Phone Number *
Parent/Guardian Email Address *
If the weather prohibits us from meeting, how would you like to be contacted? (A decision will be made by noon on the day of practice.) *
I give permission to use my name and/or my child's name/photograph/video in publications, advertisements, news articles or websites pertaining to Nebraska Extension programming. *
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