Cleverbird Design: Pet Portraits
Looking for an original painting of your pet by Cleverbird Design?  Fill out this form and Laura will get back to you about what's possible!
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Email *
Painting Size *
What size canvas would you like the painting to be?
Pet Photos *
To paint your pet's portrait, I'll need 3-4 well-lit, in-focus photos of them.  Do you have 3-4 photos you can provide?
Colors to Include *
Pour backgrounds have an unpredictable nature, so even with the same colors, no two will be the same. The finished pour will be unique, and cannot be precisely controlled. What I can do is work with 2 or 3 main colors, and we'll see what we get! Then in the portrait, I'll use an additional highlight color and shadow color, and sometimes an additional medium-range color that compliments the background well.

What 2 or 3 colors would you like to include in your background?
Colors to Avoid *
Are there any colors you definitely do not want in your background or portrait?
Pickup or Shipping *
We can arrange for free pickup (generally around the North Denver to Fort Collins area), or additional shipping costs to ship the finished painting to you.  Which do you think you'd need?  (This can change if needed)
Date Needed *
Commissions require at least two weeks to complete, from the date I receive your photos and we agree on colors to the date it's ready to be picked up or shipped out.  When are you hoping to receive your finished painting?
Date Flexibility *
Is your need-by date flexible, or firm?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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