Youth Media Project 2018 Application
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Contact Information
Name *
Phone Number *
Email *
Birthdate (Month/Date/Year) *
Grade (Currently In) 2017-2018 School Year *
School *
Name of Parent/Guardian *
Parent/Guardian Phone Number *
Parent/Guardian Email *
Short Answer Questions
Why do you want to be part of the Youth Media Project this summer? *
What are you most interested in learning more about? *
How did you hear about the Youth Media Project? *
What are your strengths in leading, motivating, and communicating with people? *
What are you hoping to gain and/or learn from your experience as a student journalist? *
Expectations of YMP
Please read and respond to each of the sections below.
YMP students are taught rigorous journalistic principles and techniques, and student journalists respect the intelligence, ideas, and experience of each other in the program. As a YMP student journalist, you will learn in a culture of high expectations. Are you willing to come to YMP every day ready to learn and grow? *
YMP is a summer intensive program. Dates are to be determined, but we will meet for six weeks this summer. Commitment to the program is required. Will you be able to commit to the full summer program, from early June to the end of July? *
Are there any dates you know you have other commitments and will not be able to attend YMP? If so, what dates?
Do you have any questions about the program?
This answer is not required.
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