Anonymous Crime Tip
The UNC Asheville Police Department is committed to providing a safe learning, working and living environment. If you know of a crime that has been or will be committed you can submit information on the form below.  All submissions are anonymous unless you choose to leave contact information and will be forwarded to Public Safety and Student Affairs officials.

Due to the nature of the electronic form submissions may not be reviewed immediatley. Immediate threats such as a crime that is in progress or a person that is acting as a threat to themselves or others should be reported to University Police by calling (828) 232-5000.
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Date of Incident *
Time Incident Occured
Location of Incident *
If exact location is unknown please describe the area or give a general location (e.g. On-Campus, Residence Hall, or Off Campus)
Describe the Incident
If possible provide the classification of crime e.g., forcible or non-forcible sex offense, larceny, hate crimes, liquor or drug violation, or arson. Otherwise provide a description of the incident.
List any Information on Individuals Involved
Include victims, suspects, or other involved parties. If their identities are unknown, please provide descriptive information (such as gender, race, approximate age, hair/eye color and clothing descriptions).
Describe Any Vehicles Involved
Provide as many details as possible - such as licence plate, color, make, model, any bumper stickers or other distinguishing features.
Any Further Details or Information
Contact Informaton
Leave contact information only if you would like an officer to follow up with you.
Phone Number
E-mail Address
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