Muscogee Roller Girls New Skater Registration
If you intend to participate in an upcoming new skater recruit program, please fill out the following form.

This 8 week training is perfect for anyone who is interested in playing roller derby. Classes are open to all skill levels and will provide comprehensive lessons on basic Roller Derby roller skating skills, Roller Derby Rules and Becoming a member of Muscogee Roller Girls.

The only equipment you are REQUIRED to purchase and bring to practice is a mouth guard. We recommend SUSI or Shock Doctor, both which can also be found on Amazon or Academy.

First practice will be Sunday October 13th from 2-4PM
We practice at the Harris Co Community Center 7509 GA Highway 116, Hamilton GA 31811
Practice Days & Times --- Tuesday 6:30-8:30 PM Sunday 1-3PM

Dues are $35.00 a month and are due the first of the month following your recruit night. (Example- If you start recruit night Oct 13th, your first month's dues are due November 1st)
Additionally, Once you become a league member you will be required to purchase skater insurance though WFTDAi to continue on-skates activities.

At this time we are only accepting ladies 18+ as skaters, but referee & non-skating official positions are open to men as well.

Upon completion of the MRG new skater bootcamp program you will have the opportunity to join our team as a full member and participate in full contact drills & training.

** Practices are closed to spectators, s/o, friends, family etc. thank you for your understanding! We have childcare available for $5 per child, per practice**

If you have additional questions, please email us at
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What is your legal name?
What is your Facebook name (if its different then your legal name)
If you don't have Facebook, what is the best way to contact you?  ( Please include email or cell.  This will ONLY be used for communication through the program such as any practice cancellation or important dates)
Please include any pronouns you would like to be referred to.
What is your email address? (Please use one that you check often as we will be sending you important information.) *
Are you over 18?
What role are you interested in exploring on the team? *
What protective gear and size will you need to borrow? Approximate is fine (Sizing runs similar to women's shirt size)  If you have your own gear please state N/A. *
What size shoes do you wear? (please note mens or ladies sizing)  If you have your own skates please state N/A *
How did you find out about our program, please be specific if it was online?  If it was Facebook was it from the MRG page, a friends post, in a Facebook group (if so what group) etc.  If it was online was it a community calendar, craigslist etc. *
How would you describe your skating skills? **Note: If your skills are minimal or you have no roller skating experience, don't be discouraged! We will train anyone with the right attitude, regardless of skill level! *
Why are you interested in playing Roller Derby?  Have you ever been to a roller derby bout? 
Use this space to give us any information you feel we need to have or that you would like to share with us.
Use this space to ask any questions that you may have prior to the start of class.
We would love to get to know you!  What are your hobbies, passions, or fun facts about you?  
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