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Thanks for your interest in Merchant Listing and Promotions in VENDASITY MARKETPLACE (a subsidiary of AFRICUNIA BANK project). Please note that Merchant listing on our platform is available globally. Kindly fill out the interest form and we will review your application and contact you in 1-3 business days.

You can read more about the Merchant Listing and Promotions requirements, promotions eligibility and set-up on our Help Center on Telegram here:

To update your contact information or provide us with new details as they become available please contact us at:

*All fields are mandatory and must be filled.
Merchant Name
(This is your registered Company Name, Business Name or Trade Name)
Merchant Homepage URL
(Please only include one site, must start with https// or http//  e.g.
First Name
(Name of the contact managing merchant‘s Seller Hub in Vendasity MarketPlace?)
Last Name
(Family Name of the person who will be managing Merchant Store in Vendasity MarketPlace for the merchant)
Contact Email
Contact Phone Number
List of products
(This is the list of products you wish to potentially sell in Vendasity MarketPlace)
AFCASH Acceptance! I agree to be paid in AFCASH cryptocurrency in exchange of my goods and services
(Click ‘‘Yes‘‘ if agreed or ‘’No’’ if disagreed  and note that not accepting AFCASH as a mode of payment will result to disqualifying you from listing your products in Vendasity MarketPlace)
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