YoCo Workforce Connections
As the business climate continues to evolve as a result of COVID-19, many individuals are looking for career, training, internship, or apprenticeship opportunities.

This survey aims to collect opportunities and highlight them throughout various publications or social media communications from the York County Economic Alliance to the people of York County.

Please fill out this survey if you are with a business or an organization that has a career, training, internship, or apprenticeship opportunity.

Please contact Sully Pinos (spinos@yceapa.org) or Marlena Schugt (mschugt@yceapa.org) with any questions.

Thank you for your support as we continue through the recovery phase of this COVID-19 crisis.
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What is your name and title? *
What is your email? *
What is your phone number? *
May we contact you about people interested in the opportunities available? *
If no to the question above, please provide contact information for the person we should contact here
What best describes the opportunity you have available? *
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