Baseline survey on the state of the informal economy in the cultural and creative sectors in Zimbabwe commissioned by ILO and UNESCO:  Questionnaire for Organisations/Institutions.   

The survey seeks to establish evidence and information to enhance the understanding of:

a) the scope, size and patterns of informality in the cultural and creative sectors.

b) the differences in various sub-sectors in the overall cultural and creative industries.

c)  the legal and policy framework applicable to the sectors.

d) the various types of stakeholders in the sectors and their degree of vulnerability.

e)  the different components of decent work deficits within the informal economy (social protection, labour rights, organizations, skills etc.)

The survey report will include the five aspects listed above and propose policy approaches to guide relevant stakeholders (Ministry of Ministry of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare; the Ministry of Youth, Sports, Arts and Recreation and relevant sectoral employers’ organizations and workers’ organizations, and relevant civil society organizations) to reduce decent work deficits in the sector and facilitate its transition to formality.

It covers the following sub-sectors visual arts, performing arts (music, theatre); writing and publishing; motion pictures, video and television programme production; video games; sound recording and music publishing; programming and broadcasting; crafts and design; fashion.

Please complete this survey by 03 September 2023

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Name of Institution/Organisation *
Name of Person Completing the Survey and Designation *
Years of experience.
1. Select all the sub-sector(s) you work in which your enterprise/Organisation works.
2. What type of activities do you organise/manage or services do you provide?
Other (Specify below) *
3. Can you identify the types of occupations available in your sub-sector along the four stages of the creative value chain from 
Creation (ideas and conception)
Production/publication (Production process)
Exhibition/transmission (presentation, management, bookings, ma) 
Consumption/Audience Reception ( eg. Film/Book/food/festival reviewers, critiques (journalists); festival/awards organisers, academic researchers etc)  

4. Do workers in your organization have access to any of the following? Select all that apply.

5. What is the registration status of your institution/cultural and creative enterprise? 
6. Please confirm if your enterprise/institution is:
Clear selection
If not, please explain why? *
7. Where do you currently operate from?
If you operate from a physical work space, indicate its location
If in urban area, indicate:

8. Have you accessed financial resources from the following in the last 5 years? (Select all that applies)

Other funding source (indicate below) *
If you engage in international trade, describe how you do it.
10. List the technologies which your institution has access to: *
11. Does your enterprise give workers access to skills development? If yes, select all that apply
Other skills (please indicate) *
12. Are you a member of the National Employment Council
If yes, give details if no, give reasons *
13.  How do you rank the prevalence of the following employment statuses in your sub-sector? (1 being highest and 4 being lowest)
Wage and salaried workers
Own-account workers (self-employment)
Contributing family workers

14. Do you have employers’ organisations in your sub-sector?
If yes, list them.
15. What are the average monthly incomes for different professions  in your sub-sector? (name a profession and indicate average income per month)
16. Are there any policies, regulatory/legal frameworks, sector strategies or initiatives that define a minimum wage / minimum remuneration rate for cultural and creative workers?
If yes, list them. *
17. What are the key challenges to adequate earnings and productive work for the workers in your sector?
18. What opportunities/entry points exist for creating adequate earnings and productive work to workers in your sector?
19. Has your organisation undertaken and implemented initiatives* in relation to defining / changing minimum wage for employed cultural and creative workers and/or minimum remuneration rates for self-employed cultural and creative workers? *Activities can include research, participation in policy-making, including policies and collective bargaining agreements, advocacy, sector strategies, training, capacity-building, awareness-raising, information sharing, funding support, etc. *
If yes > Please describe the main initiatives that were implemented by your organisation to ensure adequate remuneration for cultural and creative workers and provide information about the results achieved so far.

20. Do you experience or report differences between men and women incomes in your  sub-sector? 

If yes,  can you elaborate or give examples? *
21. How many hours(as an estimate) do workers in your sub-sector work on average (per week) from the following: *

22. Explain how working hours are structured for different workers (full-time, part-time, own account workers) in your organisation including time for rehearsals and preparations for events.


23. Are there any workers in your organisation/enterprise working (select all that applies):

Explain your answer

24. Explain how workers/ employees in your sector combine work, family and personal life, particularly in the context of informal work including whether enterprises in your sector provide for working time arrangements to facilitate the combination of work and family commitments?

25. List any challenges faced specifically by women in your sub-sector in combining work, family and personal life including in the context of informal work.
26. Are you aware of regulatory or policy frameworks addressing broadly equal opportunities (gender equality and plans to integrate people with disabilities), in your sub-sector? 
If yes, list them here. *
27. Indicate the three main challenges which you think female workers are facing in this field from the following:
28. Please share your views on how these challenges can be addressed by 
trade unions
employer’s organisations 
(clearly indicate the proposed stakeholder for each proposed action):
29. How can informal sector associations reach out and work with women in the CCE informal employment?
30. Are there any measures and policies aimed to ensure gender equality in the cultural and creative sector in Zimbabwe? 
If yes, indicate which of the policy measures below are practiced in Zimbabwe? (click all that apply)
Other (Specify).
31. Do these measures address the need of those operating in the informal employment?
32. Has your organisation undertaken and implemented initiatives related to gender equality in the culture and creative economy?
If yes, please list them. *
33. Do these initiatives take on board the needs of workers in the informal economy?
34. In your view, what are the three main challenges faced by workers with disabilities  in your sub-sector from the following?

35. Please share your views on how these challenges can be addressed by:

-      the government

-      relevant NGOs,

-      trade unions

-       employers’ organizations. 

36. How can informal sector associations reach out to people with disabilities (PWDs) in the CCE informal employment?


37. Are there any measures and policies aimed to ensure inclusion of PWDs in the cultural and creative sector in Zimbabwe? 


If yes, indicate which of the policy measures below are practiced in Zimbabwe? (tick all that apply):

Please list others
38. Do these measures address the need of those operating in the informal employment?
39. Has your organisation undertaken and implemented initiatives related to inclusion of workers with disabilities in the culture and creative economy? 

If yes, please identify the main measure your organisation has implemented to promote inclusion of people with disabilities: 

40. Do these initiatives take on board the needs of workers with disabilities in the informal economy?
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A safe work environment is about more than just preventing injuries or the spread of disease, it is about making employee well-being a priority. A safe workplace is one where employees feel secure and enjoy a safe space, company values, and a positive co-working environment that encourages respect for everyone.

41. Do you think that workers in your sector have a safe work environment?
If yes, explain
42. List the main risks and vulnerabilities with regards to safety and health in your sub-sector. *
43. Are you aware of any legal or policy framework for occupational safety and healthy in your sector?
If yes,  please also give details on the framework and its enforcement in your sector.
Untitled Title

Social protection covers such fields as basic medical care, health insurance (e.g. for medication, non-covered medical services, etc.), coverage for workplace injuries, income protection during non-working periods, insurance schemes for illness, parental leave or disability, retirement benefits, career transition schemes, etc.

44. Are there any programmes, policies or regulatory frameworks in Zimbabwe that provide for social protection to the generality of workers, and applicable to cultural and creative workers
If yes, describe them.
45. Do they apply to self-employed CCE workers
Clear selection
46. Please select fields in which Zimbabwe has programmes, policies and regulatory frameworks that provide social protection for workers in the CCE (select all that apply)
Other (specify)
48. Has your organisation implemented specific initiatives* or measures related to the social protection for workers in the CCE? * Initiatives can include advocacy campaigns, participation in consultations with governments to develop or implement support programmes in the culture and creative economy, awareness-raising, development of tools or trainings to help CCE workers access public support, etc.

If yes, please elaborate on the initiatives and sub-sectors covered and share any relevant documents

49. Please indicate which of those measures (tick all that apply) are in place in your organisation related to the social protection of CCE workers.
Other (Please Specify)
50. Do CCE workers have the right to organise in trade unions or professional associations in your country
51. Are there any CCE workers in your organisation that are affiliated to a union, a professional organization, a workers’ association or a member-based organization of workers?
52. Are there organisations (unions and employer associations) for creative economy workers that exist in Zimbabwe that can engage in collective bargaining on their behalf?
If yes, describe their impact in the last 4 years.
If no, explain why there are no

-trade unions

-Employers’ associations in the cultural and creative economy. 

54. What obstacles do employers face in abiding with the labour law of Zimbabwe?
55. Has your organisation implemented specific initiatives or measures* to support cultural and creative workers and creative economy enterprises participation in collective bargaining entities? *These could be activities that, include, for instance, advocate the creation of sectoral bargaining  or advisory councils, monitor or support their work, through research, consultation, participation in policy-making, advocacy, sector strategies, training, capacity-building, awareness-raising, information sharing, funding support, etc. *

If yes, please describe the main relevant and effective initiatives or measures put in place by your organisation related to cultural and creative workers’ right to associate and to CEE workers and enterprises engage in collective bargaining

56. Please describe the current general situation the youth in the culture and creative economy in Zimbabwe and specify 2 main challenges CCE young workers are facing in this field.

57. Please share your views on how these challenges can be addressed by the following; taking into account young people operating in the informal economy:

The government

Relevant NGOs,

Trade unions

Employers’ organizations

58. Has the government implemented policies, measures or initiatives targeting young people based in rural areas, and those in the informal cultural and creative economy to (tick all that apply):
59. What according to you, are the top three drivers of informality in the CCE from the list below?

60. What, according to you, would be the top three strategies to support the CCE transition to formality and prevention of risks of informalization?

61. What, according to you, are the 3 main challenges for transition from the informal to formal economy in the cultural and creative sectors from the following?

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