Living Rent Spokesperson Training
Living Rent, Scotland's Tenants' Union, is developing a program of training for members to cover all aspects of press work; from interviews and liaising with journalists to press releases and crafting newsworthy moments.

The training is likely to begin in early Summer, and it will take place over a period of months, but by the end of it you will have the skills and confidence to represent our campaign and message in the press.

We have very limited spaces, but intend to run this training again in the future.
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Are you currently actively involved in Living Rent? If so, please say a little about your involvement.
Have you had any experience doing press work in the past?
Is it your intention to stay involved in Living Rent over the next 12 months?
Could you tell us a little about why you're interested in this training?
This course is open to everyone, but we want to make sure that our spokespeople represent the diversity of our organisation.  Therefore we will be prioritising people from marginalised or systemically oppressed backgrounds and identities. Do you self-identify as from any of these backgrounds?
Is there anything we should know in order to make the course as accessible as possible to you? I.e. physical access needs, childcare responsibilities, or anything else.
Lastly, please leave your contact details below and we will be in touch shortly.
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