Nashville Classical Enrollment Tours
Are you are interested in touring Nashville Classical Charter Schools for potential enrollment? If so, please complete the form below. 

NOTE: Given the high volume of tour requests, we are not able to offer one-off tours at this time but are regularly updating our page with more dates. 

Tour Confirmation: The date you sign up for is the date you are confirmed for. Tour details will be sent out 24 hours prior to the tour you signed up for. Tours are only changed/cancelled because of school closure 

If you'd like to speak directly with the enrollment team, you can always email Coach Fields at  
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Email *
Parent/Guardian Name *
Select your preferred tour date *
Parent/Guardian Phone Number *
Name(s) of school aged children looking to attend NCCS (first and last names) *
What grade(s)are your child(ren) in THIS school year (August 2024-June 2025)? Check all that apply. *
Is your family interested in the East or West Nashville Classical school location? *
How did you hear about Nashville Classical Charter Schools? *
Do you currently have a scholar who attends Nashville Classical? *
Is there anything else you'd like us to know?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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