1.How do you most like to communicate with others? (Greece,Arsakeia) *
2..What social media do you prefer ? (France/Croatia) *
3.How do you feel about being anonymous on some profiles? (Croatia) *
4.In which social media do you have the greatest number of friends ? (Morocco) *
5.What is your main reason for using social media? tick one answer (Turkey) *
6.Do you use your computer on a daily basis? (Slovakia) *
7.How many hours a day are you online? (Turkey) *
8.In your opinion, is it dangerous to be addicted to the internet? (Ukraine) *
9.What if you have no connection to the net for a month ?(Turkey) *
10.Who is your favourite celebrity geek ? (Slovakia)
Your answer
11.How many hours do you spend without using your phone?(Romania) *
12.What do you trust the most? News you access through.. (Greece, Petroupoli) *
13.When you get information on what's going on around the world through lots of media, how often do you have a moment to decide if it's a fact or an opinion?(Korea) *
14.How often do you go out with your friends?(Romania) *
15.Do you like anime? (Ukraine) *
16.What kind of video games do you play ? ( Greece, Arsakeia) *
17.What type of music do you like ?(France) *
18.What kind of paper magazines do you read? (Greece Petroupoli ) *
19.Do you like reading? (France) *
20.How many books do you read in a month ? (Greece, Arsakeia) *